
Many families have valuable items passed down from generation to generation — it could be an engagement ring, hair comb, antiques, and other valuables. These items that are passed down through generations are called heirlooms. Apart from the monetary value, heirlooms also hold great significance to the owners since they connect their family generations more profoundly and personally. 

When you are given a family heirloom, it means that you are not just entrusted with a valuable item, but with the responsibility of continuing your family’s legacy. And when you are given family heirlooms and other valuables, the next thing you would need to consider is protecting them and preserving their value. Below are the ways to protect your family heirlooms and other valuables. 

  • Maintain them well

Cleaning and maintaining your family heirlooms and other valuable items are part of preserving their value. For heirlooms that you use often or occasionally, make sure that they routinely checked and cleaned. Proper maintenance will also prevent damage. And make sure to follow the right procedure in cleaning your family heirlooms. 

  • Store them correctly

According to the FBI, on average, a burglary happens every 25.7 seconds or more than 3,300 burglary crimes per day in the US. Aside from money and fine jewelry, burglars will be attracted to family heirlooms because of the monetary value they possess. If you want to keep your family heirlooms in your home, opt for a storage facility as it provides a place that is more secure against burglars and natural disasters like fire and flood. Here at iSafeBoxes Rental, we provide the best storage solutions for your family heirlooms in Ashburn, VA, and its surrounding areas.

  • Top-notch security!

With maximum security being implemented, you can guarantee the safety of your precious belongings. Our storage vaults are custom-built equipped with 24/7 surveillance and cutting-edge security such as iris and facial scanner; thus, no one can access your vault except you.

  • Customized protection!

Different items have different conditions required to maintain their value. Paintings, photographs, and textiles should be stored away from the sun’s heat and unprotected fluorescent light, while video and audio tapes should be placed in cool, dry, dust-free containers. Other valuable items such as jewelry should be kept in a padded airtight, and fire-proof container to protect it from oxidation. With iSafeBoxes Rental, your valuable items will get the treatment that it deserves.

  •  Long operating hours!

Why choose iSafeBoxes Rental? Simple. Conveniently located within Loudoun County, you can deposit and check on your valuable items, even on weekends and holidays! Apart from that, we also provide comprehensive insurance policies that will ensure full protection to your family heirlooms and other valuable items.

  • Comprehensive insurance policies!

iSafeBoxes Rental offers insurance to protect your valuable items against risks such as loss or damage caused by fires, earthquakes, floods, tornado, burglary, terrorist attacks, robbery, looting, and others.

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