
We are negotiating for the safe deposit box insurance for the customers and hope to get it before we open.

This insurance will include following offers

Through iSafeBoxes Rental’s collaboration with SDBIC, we can proudly provide safe and secure solutions to store your valuables against loss and damages. All items stored in the deposit box are covered from manmade or natural disasters and theft. With zero deductible, you do not have to pay a penny out of pocket when there is a loss.

iSafe Boxes Rental

iSafeBoxes Rental offers $5,000 complimentary liability coverage to all our new client’s leasing safety deposit boxes (for the first year only) provided by Safe Deposit Box Insurance Coverage, LLC. You can choose to insure your box up to $1 million for an extra cost. While we work our best to protect your valuables, you are also guaranteed that your valuables are safe and insured against all kinds of catastrophes — fire, flooding, burglary, and even terrorist attacks.

Misconceptions about
Safe Deposit Boxes

SDBIC makes this process so simple. Protect and secure your valuable items in our safety deposit boxes without having to disclose the contents of your box. You can even extend the coverage to include your other properties with no intrinsic market value such as wills, titles, deeds, trusts, passports, digital backups, and photos.

In every transaction you make with us, you are guaranteed with full confidentiality and privacy and with zero deductible. Catastrophes and events that are covered by the insurance includes:

  • Robbery
  • Fire
  • Flood
  • Earthquake
  • Tornado
  • Tsunami
  • Hurricane
  • Sinkhole
  • Terrorist attack
  • Burglary
  • Wildfire
  • Looting
  • others
To learn more about the full insurance terms and conditions, contact us. 
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